A Very Early Unnamed Space Idle Crew Splicing Guide. Thanks to @minibosstank | G5-S123/123 @Natzu and @killer777_jp for their patience answering my questions
Unnamed Space Idle Crew Splicing Guide 2025
To unlock Crew Splicing:
- Buy Crew Splicing in Galaxy 5
- Reinforce
- Unlock Crew Supremacy
Crew Splicing replaces the old Crew Manage and Upgrade screens, but you keep the old Crew bonuses
Buy the “Splice Aspect Automation” and “Adaptations Auto Cheapest” AI upgrades! If you cannot afford both, prioritize the first one
Crew XP is useless for Crew Splicing
All Crew can be active, not limited by slots or sleeves
Prestige resets nothing. Reinforce resets the Manage tab, but not Humanity/Corruption upgrades.
Early Crew Splicing bonuses are weak, so focus on leveling:
- Click “Splice” to activate the Crew
- In Automation Settings, choose Corruption/Max/Max
- Kill Capital Ships in S117+ to gain Aspect growth, boosted by Mastery
- Assign Rank points to Aspect skills. Corruption makes Discipline skills worthless
- Aspects produce Acclimation based on their Aspect level
- Mouse over XP bars to see durations to level
- When Aspect and Acclimation take “too long” to level, click “Cleanse” to deactivate the Crew
- Cleanse resets Discipline and Aspect growth, but not Acclimation
- While inactive, Crew produce Adaptation based on the Acclimation of both Aspects combined
- Click “Adaptations” to see Adaptation gain
- When Adaptations take “too long” to level, click “Crew” to return
- Click “Change Aspect” to swap to the Crew’s other Aspect
- Click “Splice” to activate the Crew again
- Rinse and repeat. Keep swapping Aspect to build Acclimation on both
When you unlock the second Aspect slot, in Automation Settings, set the Aspect you want to push Acclimation on to Max, and the other to Acclimation
Ignore upgrades until you have 2+ Crew and Corruption Tolerance for combined max Corruption of 20+
To push Humanity upgrades, set Automation to Corruption/Acclimation/Acclimation for all Crew before Splicing
From what I understand about splicing:
You can have all available spliced crew members active as you unlock them.
Choose one of two available Specimen types to splice your crew with to “print” them. Cleanse to “retire” them and make them inactive.
Select one of the bars to make progress, gained by killing capital ships. Only one bar can progress at a time per crew member.
Discipline is harder to level up, but Specimen will hard stop progress after a while, as levels in Specimen inflict Corruption (at max corruption, no progress is made)
Discipline helps reduce corruption. Levels in Specimen bar also slowly give Acclimation which also reduces corruption, but only for that chosen Specimen bar. Crew can be Infused with the same type of Specimen (taken from specimen research values) to increase the acclimation growth rate.
You can also upgrade Discipline Gain and Corruption Cap by spending resources, like you could with Crew XP and Crew Skill.
Crew XP is useless. Crew Shard VIII is useless. The Crew XP Module will be removed when unlocking Splicing. For all intents and purposes, Mastery functions as the replacement for Crew XP.
Both Discipline and Specimen bars have 2 available upgrade nodes like old crew, with a second numerically stronger upgrade only available after 5 ranks in a bar. Only the Specimen bars will give you points to allocate.
While a crew is inactive, they can level up Adaptations passively. These Adaptations can either help the crew member directly, or help some other system like Capital Damage/Shields.
The Current Total Corruption or Total Humanity can be seen in the Upgrades Tab. Upgrade Points are gained when the Current Total Humanity/Corruption exceeds a certain point, meaning you must manage your crew to lean all towards one way or the other to gain upgrade points. These upgrades, as well as the amount required for the next point, persist through Reinforce. by EternalVigilante | G5-S124/124