Roku Saiga is a 2* tank character designed to absorb damage while aggroing enemies to protect your teammates, making him a reliable choice for players who value strategy and team synergy.
You can find the complete Tribe Nine Roku Guide below.
Tribe Nine Roku Guide – Best Build and Team Comp
Primary Attack: Deal up to 3 melee attacks, each one granting the enemy hit [Attention]. (When an enemy is granted [Attention], the enemy will only target Roku for the next 20 seconds).
Secondary Attack: Close in rapidly towards the target and attack by swinging his weapon. the longer you hold the skill, the more times you will attack. Each time you hit the enemy, [Attention] is granted, and gain 1 stack of [Rage]. Requires Stamina. (You get a stack of [Rage] either by dealing damage with the Secondary Attack or by taking damage; each [Rage] stack grants you 5% defense, up to 30 stacks.
Strategy Skill: As long as you hold the skill, decrease the damage taken by Roku by 70%. When you get hit while holding the Strategy Skill, you lose stamina. If you take damage while holding the Strategy Skill while your stamina is depleted, you do not decrease the damage taken anymore.
When taking damage while holding the Strategy Skill, if you press the Secondary Attack, it will be fully charged. Requires Stamina.
Ultimate Skill: Perform a large-scale attack towards enemies surrounding him. Each [Rage] stack you own will increase the Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 3.5%. After using the Ultimate Skill, rit emoves all your [Rage] stacks. Requires 3 Tension Phase.
Chain Skill: Perform a follow-up attack towards the target upon inflicting Break on the enemy, granting him [Attention]
Roku is mainly a tanker, so the things you need the most is defense, health, and stamina stats (stamina because the more you have, the longer you can use your Strategy Skill). You need to use all your Potential Gems in Survival Instincts, which have all of these stats, to further increase your Roku’s tanking abilities. If you have spare Potential Gems to use, then invest in the Passive Skill Expansion
Passive Skill Expansion 1: Every 5 seconds, recover a percentage of your maximum health points (hp) based on the [Rage] stacks you have.
Passive Skill Expansion 2: Increase the Ultimate Skill DMG based on the [Rage] stacks you have. (This is the same effect as Roku’s Ultimate Skill effect, but the DMG scaling is further increased depending on how much you invest in it.
Fighting Instincts increase the damage scaling of your abilities, it doesn’t have any effects on the Strategy Skill (meaning you can’t have more damage reduction, and you can’t gain more [Rage] stacks), it is not useful at all. Survival Instincts increases your def, hp, and stamina, all stats Roku needs to perform better, a must-have in your build.
Coordination increases your support points since it only increases the damage of the next break dmg after Roku, and we do not know much about it, so it is also useless to invest in it. Passive Skill Expansion 1 is good to sustain yourself in case your healer (if you do have one in your team) fumbles everything, but because the healing is not a high amount, this skill would be mainly useful in afk setups, helping you clear content without moving a finger.
Passive Skill Expansion 2 only affects your Ultimate Skill, and since he’s not exactly your dps-to-go, and his Ultimate Skill requires you to have 3 tension bars, it is also utterly useless to invest in it.
COMPATIBLE MONSTER: Playing Roku means solely focusing on tanking damage the most, so the stats you need the most are Damage Cut Rate, which reduces the damage taken up to 11%, followed by Defense, and Maximum HP.
Suboptimal stats are Stamina and Moving Speed. As for the set, you should prioritize the Fortress set, which reduces the damage taken by 8%, followed by the Defender set, which increases your max hp by 10%.
This is Roku’s enhanced abilities if you get more copies of him:
- T1: When using your Ultimate Skill, increase the Recovery Effect of your team by 5% for each [Rage] stack. Lasts 15 seconds.
- T2: Obtain 2 Potential Gems.
- T3: Decrease the Stamina consumption by 50% when holding your Strategy Skill.
- T4: Obtain 3 Potential Gems.
- T5: When all party members’ hp except Roku drop below 50%, grants all enemies [Attention]. You need to wait 50 seconds before it can trigger again.
T1 is useless as you practically never ults, T3 is greatly appreciated since it means you can now tank twice longer when holding your Strategy Skill, and T5 is an insurance to prevent your allies from dying if they get targetted. And since there is some enemies that are bound to be far away, being able to aggro them even if you don’t hit them is really great. T2 and T4 give you Potential Gems, allowing you to invest more in the Potential stats or skills you want.
ROKU TECHS: This is the fun part
AFK Roku: By having a great amount of damage cut rate from your patimons and set effect (up to 36%), and a healer, you can pretty much let the battle happen without having to press any key, allowing you to farm against boss, or xp for your lvl 1 characters. Going all-in Passive Skill Expansion 1 is the way to go to allow you to heal yourself the whole time. Adding this with the Stimulation Tension Card helps you heal a good amount.
Roku: Roku’s breaking ability is quite high; most of it comes from doing the fully charged Secondary Skill by getting hit while holding the Strategy Skill. Doing that 2 to 3 times is enough to break a regular enemy.
Drift Roku: Roku’s counterattack makes him dash a long distance from a straight line to his target. But if his target attacks while moving, then he will redirect himself like a homing missile and still hit/break him with delay