Welcome to our Sworn Tier List Wiki . Sworn has four unique characters and each hero has their own weapons and spells that completely change the way you play. Whether you want to go in fast and aggressive, control the battlefield with magic, or deal massive damage with heavy weapons, there’s a character that fits your style.
So now read about every character and their weapons, and spells so you can decide which one is best for you.
Sworn Tier List Wiki – Best Characters & Weapons
The Vigilante is available from the moment you fire up the game. This character is all about speed and agility, focusing on quick movement and flexible combat options. Whether you prefer melee or ranged attacks, the Vigilante gives you a strong foundation to start with.
- Short Sword – A fast, close-range melee weapon with a three-hit combo ending in a lunging thrust. The heavy attack is a spinning slash that hits all enemies nearby.
- Bow – Hold the light attack to draw the string; release at the right time for a perfect attack that deals extra damage. The heavy attack calls down a volley of arrows in an area.
- Bo Staff – Similar range to the Short Sword, but with a five-hit combo. The heavy attack is a charged slam that deals high damage.
- Chakrams – Mid-range dual boomerangs that deal damage going out and coming back. Heavy attack functions like the Short Sword spin attack.
- Blade Rush – Dash forward, damaging all enemies in your path.
- Remote Mine – Drop a mine that explodes when triggered.
- Flurry of Daggers – Flip backward while throwing three daggers in a cone.
- Shadow Strike – Teleport behind a nearby enemy and unleash a powerful attack.
Rook (Heavy Damage & Defense)
Rook is a tanky character with slower but more powerful attacks. He has more base health than other characters and specializes in heavy weapons.
- Great Hammer – A slow but devastating three-hit combo. The heavy attack is a spinning AOE strike that can be charged for extra spins.
- Hand Cannon – Shoots a cannonball that deals high damage. The heavy attack is a melee sweep.
- Halberd – A powerful melee weapon with surprising range. The light attack is a sweeping strike, while the heavy attack is a long thrust.
- Gauntlets – Fast, alternating punches with a heavy Haymaker attack.
- Counter – Becomes invulnerable for a short time; retaliates when hit.
- Bull Rush – Charges forward, knocking back enemies.
- Sky Drop – Jumps into the air and crashes down, dealing AOE damage.
- Commander’s Shield – Slams a shield into the ground, giving all allies a +10 damage buff.
Spectre focuses on magical attacks and fast movement, offering a mix of ranged and melee playstyles with a floaty movement feel.
- Armal Sphere – It Fires magic bolts. Heavy attack shoots a larger orb that explodes.
- Scythe – A three-hit melee combo with an AOE spin. Heavy attack is an overhead chop.
- Arcane Blades – Five floating daggers that fire with each light attack. Heavy attack is a melee slash.
- Claws – Fast, close-range attacks with a four-hit combo. Heavy attack is a lunging slash.
- Mystic Beam – Fires a continuous beam that can be slightly repositioned.
- Dragon Dive – Turns into a fireball, charging forward.
- Spirit Guardians – Summons familiars that shoot at enemies.
- Blink – Teleports a short distance and creates an explosion.
The Monk has a diverse playstyle with weapons that can be ranged, magical, or melee-focused. Her attacks can change drastically depending on her gear and spell choices.
- Mace – A slow melee weapon with a powerful three-hit combo. Heavy attack calls down lightning.
- Magical Staff – Fires energy cubes in a straight line. Heavy attack creates a magic blast.
- Tome – Shoots book pages in a wide cone. Holding the button narrows the attack for more focused damage. Heavy attack calls down a high-damage page.
- Chime – Throws musical notes that explode in small AOE attacks. Heavy attack sends two notes in an arc that explode on impact.
- Storm Call – Calls down lightning in an area.
- Crystal Turret – Places up to two turrets that shoot at enemies.
- Black Hole – Creates a gravity well that pulls enemies in.
- Arcane Shield – Shields allies; when broken, it explodes for AOE damage.