In this post, we will give you a Supervive XP Guide Explanation and complete How to Gain XP in Supervise also come less known keybinds.
Supervive XP Explanation – How to Gain XP
You can gain experience from mobs that are above your current level. So if you’re level 3 and kill a level 4 mob, you will gain experience for the kill. If you’re level 4 and kill a level 4 mob, you will not gain experience for it.
On day 1, mobs will spawn at level 4. On day 2, they will spawn at level 6. From day 3 onwards, they will spawn at level 7. As such, the maximum level you can reach on each day without engaging in PvP is 4, 6, and 7, respectively. This is the ‘soft’ cap people refer to when speaking about the game. The ‘hard’ cap refers to the maximum level you can obtain in the game, which is level 9. It is possible for a player to reach level 9 on day 1, it is just very difficult.
You can exceed the soft cap by killing (meaning eliminating their wisp, too) enemy players. You will always gain experience in killing players. However, the amount of XP awarded scales on the downed player’s level.
So, you will gain more XP for killing a level 4 player than you would for killing a level 1 player.
The first special case to consider is the XP Rush storm shift. This will cause mobs to spawn at level 7 on day 1 and all days beyond that.
The second special case to consider is if a team has XP soul. With it, they will gain a bonus of 50xp per kill, including any mob kill. This means that the XP soul team can continue to farm mobs and receive experience past level 7, albeit at a slower pace. Additionally, the team with XP soul can level to 12 rather than 9.
The third special case to consider is Most Wanted. It grants a large amount of XP to the owner if it procs, which means a team could, in theory, reach level 9 without ever winning a fight. But that would be very hard to do.
Posting useful slightly less known keybinds here:
F1 – Pull up character & skill information
F2 – Perk Selection Menu (pre-select perks for current game)
Control + 1 – Toggle Primary Fire (LMB) Range Indicator
Control + 2 – Toggle Secondary (RMB) Range Indicator
Control + 3 – Toggle Dash (Shift) Range Indicator
Control + 4 – Toggle Ult Range Indicator
Caps Lock – Pull up Squad Information/Stats Menu
Let me know if you have any others I should add to the list!