This is one dumb concept that ended up working well, and it’s loads of fun. The core idea is to cast as [Shout of Oblivion] as many times as possible while stacking damage for a massive burst.
-Mist[flèche ] talent. It changes the memory to teleport you instead of dashing, and the damage type is now lightning. This is required for the essence of flow, which is a key component for recharging [Shout of oblivion]. If you have other means of causing lightning damage fast enough, this is not necessary. But flèche is definitely the easiest and most reliable.
-Essence of momentum. This is needed for “infinite flèche,” which is basically reducing the cooldown of flèche enough to be able to cast it immediately when you use all its three charges. Since it now teleports, this ability has no cast time, its speed depends on how fast you mash your mouse/keyboard. Every cast of flèche does a basic attack, which means one hit for momentum.
-[Shout of oblivion] The build is centered around this, so of course you need it. If you don’t want to rely on RNG, here’s some good news: it’s a guaranteed drop from the hunter secret boss. Just wander around hunter zones for long enough,h and she will show up. Its arguably the hardest boss in the game, so be careful.
-Push masterpiece to 0.5 cooldown (+8)
-the rest depends on what you find during your run.
Spam flèche to recharge shout of oblivion, cast shout and IMMEDIATELY spam flèche again, you can start attacking before the shout goes off. Shout is casted from your current position when it goes off.
Bombs are for the small backstep which helps shout given it a cone.
Its our buffer with protection, flexibility and voracity. The shield setup is automated thanks to flexibility with paranoia and self damage from overload. Only do this if you find paranoia.
Use virtue on shout early.
Divine faith works is better than overload. Rigidity is better than the healing setup on flèche. use those if you find them