This will be as comprehensive of a Revolution Idle Infinity Guide – Challenges, Stars, Eternity tips as I can make it up to eternity.
Under e308 score
Starting off you want to prestige every prestige multiplier increase of 10 times. So 10, 100, 1,000. DO NOT promote right away. The bonus from promotion will not balance out the prestige loss. The game says to promote for a first promotion bonus of about a 6x mult. I’ve seen people say anything from level 3 to level 6. As long as you do something like that you should be fine.
Infinity to challenges
So once you reach infinity you will start gaining infinity points, known as IP. You use IP to buy upgrades and generators, as well as something later on. Always get the upgrades before the generators, and always get the highest generator first. For example, if you can get either a fourth generator or a first generator you want to get the fourth generator. The first generator is the only one that actually provides generator power, but the ones above it generate the generator directly below them. This is also the point where you will start unlocking automations. Colors and ascensions are fine to use, but ones like prestige that have values you can input are bad, as they will hinder efficiency at this stage of the game. They’re fine if you’re AFKing with the game open, though.
Challenges to stars
So challenges will be a slowing point your first time through. It will take you hours total. Challenge 9 (C9) will take hours on its own. Once you beat C9 you will be able to break infinity. Breaking infinity allows you to get more IP per infinity and is necessary to get to stars. As you go through you want to keep getting your challenge time sum down as much as possible. This is very important. And don’t forget to keep getting generators as you go. At this point you should be able to either work toward instant infinities or be at that point. There’s a strategy I call “autoing”, where you fix infinity and let the game run for as long as necessary to get your infinity counter up. This can help if you just need that little extra boost. This is useful until you unlock upgrade 18;1. Now onto the “something later on”.
Stars to eternity
Welcome to the end of this guide! Congrats on making it this far and I do hope this guide has served you well! Only unlock stars when you have enough for the upgrade twice. This is important as unlocking stars only unlocks the menu for them. You will want enough to buy the first star as well. The order for stardust upgrades is 1, 3, 2, 4.
Those being the same spots as the promotions. Keep doing long runs and getting generators as you go. This part is especially grindy, so there’s really only so much you can do. Just remember to keep getting your challenge times as you go. You should be able to get a star every approximately 20-25 minutes, MAYBE 30 without peak efficiency.
I know this Revolution Idle Infinity Guide – Challenges, Stars, Eternity tips only goes up to eternity, but I also want to add one thing about eternity. Don’t bother attempting EC1-1 right away. It will be too slow. Do it when you have a lap speed mult bonus of about 15x. This will greatly help speed up the start of it which is the only bad part.