Based on my experience on a second play-through of the game with more knowledge of how to optimize the lab. I am not claiming this is a fully optimized route from EC1-1 -> Dilation and will be open to player feedback if they find certain challenges can be done sooner with different lab setups.
A minimal amount of Eternity farming is included at certain points where progress seemed slow and players are likely to be waiting for the lab to generate enough RP to progress.
I hope you will find this useful. The Revolution Idle EC1-1 -> Dilation: Recommended guide itself is in the thread below. by Angel | ~🅞~ Unity
EC1-1 -> Dilation: (1/5)
ET = Eternities; number of Eternities; shown in the game with the symbol Σ (capital Sigma)
EP = Eternity Points; used to buy AP and upgrade the Lab
Lab = Laboratory; unlocked as you progress; six different Labs to spend RP in to increases your power
RP = Research Points; spend in the six Labs when unlocked; you will only use 4 of them; only 2 later
AP = Animal Points; bought with EP/IP/Score; used to buy Animals
IC = Infinity Challenge; you want these as low as possible for bonuses; under 1sec total by Dilation
EC = Eternity Challenge; EC5-3 means Eternity Challenge 5, Difficult 3/5; give rewards on first completion of each difficulty; some rewards are VERY strong at this stage
SN = Supernova; unlocked as you progress; gives bonuses; does not reset all your progress, only starts a new Eternity; get as many as you can, when you can (<15mins per Supernova)
(1:2) = Ratio for spending your RP between lab 5 (Gen Power Exp.) & Lab 6 (Common Exp.);
1:2 means for every 1 point you put into lab 5, put 2 points into lab 6;
For 1:2 you can divide your total RP by 3 and put that many in lab 5 and the rest in lab 6.
(53:117) = same as above, but exactly how I spent my points between lab 5:lab 6 when I had that many RP;
if you have more points, you can try and keep the same ratio; if in doubt, put them into the lab you have more points in.
Revolution Idle EC1-1 -> Dilation: Recommended
// Main Guide Begins Here!
EC1-1 17-20 ET; animals [1;1], [1;2], [1;3] & [2;3] (for lap speed); Total AP = 8
EC1-2 32+ ET (Break Eternity); animals as above + [2;4] Jerboa (desperately needed lap speed); Total AP = 10+
EC2-1 Straight after EC1-2
— EC1-1 -> Dilation: continued (2/5)
Challenges Milestone 1: keep Infinity challenges on Eternity; makes ET quicker;
try to lower challenge times at the end of an Eternity;
for fastest times: leave infinity broken, auto-promote/prestige off, auto-infinity = ON [1, 0.005]
EC2-2 ~53 ET; animals as above + [2;5] Chinchilla; Total AP = 12+
EC3-1 Straight after EC2-2
Challenges Milestone 2: Prestige resets nothing; change auto-prestige to [0.00, 1.01, 0.00]
Farm ET/AP; buy animals up to [4;3] Sheep in pinned guide; Total AP = 30+; 13 max animals; ~150 ET
Animals Milestone 4: Promotion resets nothing; change all auto-promotions to [+1 Lv., 0s]
Slowdown/auto-slowdown: very useful for progress; slowdown is a very strong bonus; early on it is quite difficult to do correctly; see below for advice
Manual slowdown: try 1 less slowdown than your maximum slowdown; when ready to Eternate you can disable auto-promote/prestige/infinity and go to maximum slowdown for big gains; might make a more detailed guide on how to manage slowdown if requested;
Auto-slowdown: Turn ON; try 500 to start with; if this is slowing down too much, you can try increasing it to 800; you can also try lowering this every so often: 800 -> 500 -> 350 -> 200 -> 100 -> 50 -> 20 -> 10
Good time to lower IC times with updated automation; do so at the end of an Eternity
Score build lab setup; 1:2 ratio between Lab 5 (Gen Power Exp.) and Lab 6 (Common Exp.)
EC1-3 Should be quick (29 RP, 9:20)
EC1-4 Straight after EC1-3
EC3-2 Straight after EC1-4
Challenges Milestone 3: Go Supernova! Gives good bonuses; doesn’t reset progress; only starts a new Eternity
Score build: Supernova 1 (SN1) 🎉 🌟
IP/EP build; farm quick Eternities for EP for Lab/AP; buy IP/score AP at end of an Eternity
— EC1-1 -> Dilation: continued (3/5)
Buy animals up to [4;4] Cow; very good EP multiplier; Total AP = 56+; 20+ max animals;
Main loop of this part of the game:
1) IP/EP build: farm ET; EP for AP/Lab; IP for AP (at end of Eternity)
2) Score build: Score for AP; Supernovas 15mins max to push for Supernova
3) Score build: Try challenges, 15mins max to push for a challenge (unless really, really close)
Most challenges will be near instant to complete when you have enough power for them.
Score build: SN2 -> EC2-3 -> EC4-1
Challenges Milestone 4 + Animals Milestone 5: with both of these you no longer need to Infinity to gain IP;
auto-infinity & IP adjuster = OFF; only need to turn on for lowering Infinity Challenge times
Since you no longer reset for promote/prestige/infinity: set auto slowdown to 10;
Slowdown was causing problems when you needed to reset; now you don’t reset!
Good time to lower fastest infinity and Infinity Challenges!
Score build: EC1-5 -> EC 3-3 -> SN3 -> EC3-4 -> EC4-2 (all RP in lab 6) -> EC3-5 -> SN4 (buy score AP)
Fast ET farm if below 1.1k ET; all RP in Lab 1 [IP Gain] avg. ET 250ms: 5 mins ET farm -> 1.1k ET
IP/EP build: farm for EP/AP/RP; quick (<5sec) eternities are still best
With Total AP = 94+, all animals in IP/EP build up to [6;2] Giraffe; ~100 RP
ET farm (avg. 217ms): all RP in Lab 1 [IP Gain]; 5mins -> 2.5k ET;
Score build: SN5 (~123 RP; 1:2 lab) -> EC5-1 (127RP; 1:2 lab; <5 mins)
IP/EP build: farm EP/AP/RP; ~2e19 EP/s
ET farm (avg. 200ms): all RP in Lab 1 [IP Gain]; 5 mins -> 4k ET
IP/EP build: farm EP/AP/RP; ~6e19 EP/s
Score build: SN6 -> EC2-4 (151 RP; all RP in lab 6] -> SN7 (buy score AP)
IP/EP build: Total AP = 132; All animals in IP/EP build up to [6;4] Hippo; 5e22 EP/s -> 1.5e23 EP/s
— EC1-1 -> Dilation: continued (4/5)
Score build: EC5-2 (170 RP; 53:117; <5 mins); then do an Eternity, buy AP with score up to e130k
Score build: EC4-3 (177 RP; 20:157) -> SN8 (1:2)
IP/EP build: farm EP/AP/RP; 4e24 EP/s -> 1.5 e25 EP/s
Score build: EC2-5 (189 RP; 1:3) -> SN9 (192 RP; 40:152) -> EC5-3 (194 RP; 50;134)
Score build: EC6-1 (195 RP; all RP lab 6) -> EC4-4 (199RP; 20:179; ~3mins) -> SN10 (203 RP; 61:142)
IP/EP build: farm EP/AP/RP; 4.2e28 EP/s
ET farm (133ms avg.): 6-7mins -> 6969 ET :Yees:
IP/EP build; farm EP/AP/RP; 2.3e29 EP/s
Score build: SN11 (218 RP; 48:170) -> SN12 (225 RP; 55:170)
IP/EP build: Total AP = 178+; animals in IP/EP build up to [6;6] Elephant; quick IP/EP runs; 1e32 EP/s
Score build: SN13 (244 RP; 1:2) -> EC4-5 (252 RP; all RP in lab 6) -> SN14 (253 RP; 1:2)
IP/EP build: 1.5e35 EP/s -> Total AP = 204+; animals in IP/EP build up to [6;7] Anteater -> 7e35 EP/s
ET farm (100ms avg.): 5 mins -> 10k ET (271 RP; all in Lab 1 [IP Gain])
Score build: Total AP = 204+; All animals in Score build + [5;3] Toad & [5;5] Chameleon;
Score build: EC6-2 (272 RP; 60:212) -> SN15 (273 RP; 80:193; buy AP with score before going SN)
Score build: Total AP = 220+; buy [5;4] Turtle
Score build: SN16 (273 RP; 80:193) -> EC5-4 (282 RP; 190:92) -> SN17 (290 RP; 120:170) -> SN18 (buy AP)
IP/EP build: Total AP = 232+; all animals in IP/EP build up to [6;8] Koala -> farm EP: 8e40 EP/s (320 RP)
— EC1-1 -> Dilation: continued (5/5)
Score build: As you get more AP from SN and have completed the Score build;
buy animals [5;3] down to [5;6] -> animals [6;2] down to [6;9] & [5;1] -> buy cheapest animals
Score build: SN19 (320 RP; 145:175) -> SN20 (327 RP; 147:180) -> EC7-1 (RP doesn’t matter; <1 min)
SN21 (338 RP; 147:189) -> EC6-3 (347 RP; 147:200) -> SN22 (350 RP; 150:200)
EC5-5 (350 RP; 150:200) -> SN23 (420 RP; 190:230) -> SN24 (460 RP; 210:250)
EC6-4 (477 RP; 215:262) -> SN25 (485 RP; 215:270) -> SN26 (485 RP; 215:270) -> EC7-2
No more switching builds; score build only and you will continue to buy animals from IP/EP build
Farm EP/AP/RP if you get stuck on any of the next challenges/SN
EC8-1 -> EC8-2 -> SN27 -> SN28 -> EC6-5;
EC9-1 (500 RP; all RP in lab 6) -> EC9-2 (500+ RP; all RP in lab 6);
SN29 -> SN30 -> SN31 -> SN32;
EC8-3 (2:1 lab5:lab6) -> EC7-3 -> EC8-4 (2:1 lab5:lab6) -> EC8-5 (~700 RP; 2:1)
Total AP = 1,424+; should have all animals except Nu!
SN33 (740 RP; 1:2) -> EC9-3 (777RP; all RP in lab 6) -> EC7-4 -> SN34
You should now be able to get enough AP to buy Nu!
🎉 Congratulations! You bought the whole Zoo! 🎉
Your prize? You have unlocked Dilation… time seems to move slowly here…
Respec lab: all RP in Lab 6 -> “Go Dilation”