I have ranked all the Best Characters in this updated Rampant Reborn Tier List. We would like to inform you that the tier list we are creating for the game is subjective and may change over time with updates.
Rampant Reborn Tier List & Weapons Guide
- Fighter
- Knight
- Viking
- Marauder
- Atomic Samurai
- Berserker
- Kaiju
- Assassin
- Vampire
TI-Tier (Bottom Tier):
- Dark Mage
Rampant Reborn Weapons Guide
Mecha Academia Lance
How to play it correctly :
Engaging with a stun is the key to this weapon, dashing to reach your opponent and stun them will be the main way you have to engage in fights.
Using your 4th ability before you start a fight is important, this will allow you to recover your abilities way faster.
You can play aggressively and defensively with this Lance, wait for a player to rush you and stun them, or just rush them.
Having 200 HP is a huge advantage, and your projectile is a good way to cancel your opponent’s sprint!
Practice, and knowledge!
[Basic Combo]
4 – DASH + 2 – 1 – HIT – 3 [repeat]
[Chasing a Target]
4 – DASH + 2
[Going for an aggressive play]
4 – DASH + 2 – 1 – HIT [repeat]
-> Keep 3 if they try to escape
Angelic Sovereign Axe
How to play it correctly :
Always start the fight with the stun, and throw the beam if you see your opponent dashed.
If you feel you’re in a vulnerable position, use your damage reduction.
Try to get used to your 3rd ability, removing stuns can be helpful in many situations.(example : vs Mecha Spear)
Dashing and using abilities at the same time will be helpful for this weapon, so try to land Ability 1 with a Dash!
Practice, and knowledge!
[Basic Combo]
1 + Dash – 4 – HIT [repeat]
[Chasing a Target]
1 + Dash
[Going for an aggressive play]
1 + Dash + 2 + 4 + HIT + 3 (if stun) [repeat]
-> always keep 3 to get rid of stuns
Lavender Knight’s Gauntlets
How to play it correctly :
Using your ability 1 in a defensive way is the best way to play lavender, if you make good use of it you’ll be able to ignore many abilities.
Your AoE is a good way to slow opponents, once an opponent is slowed, stunning them with your 4th ability will become way easier.
Ability 1 can also be used to reach enemies if you feel like you have the advantage, go for a slow/stun and execute your opponent.
Never forget to activate your buff before going into fights, extra damage, and attack speed is always an advantage!
Practice, and knowledge!
[Basic Combo]
DASH + 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – HIT [repeat]
[Chasing a Target]
1 + DASH
[Going for an aggressive play]
1 – 3 – DASH – 4 – 2 – HIT [repeat]