Hi guys, Welcome to One Fruit Race v2 Tier List. Below you will find all Race v2 Buffs, Quests, and Best Race for Grinding. One Fruit is a very popular Roblox game created by [B:S] One Fruit Team and the best part is they regularly update this game and add new races
One Fruit Race v2 Tier List
BEST RACE (not ranked)
Human V1/V2: Grinding
If u need Buffs Like Stats Gain, + Drop Rates, and some DMG buff through Conquerors Haki.
Lunar V1/V2: Damage,Flying
If u Need High Damage Buffs and a Decent Flying Speed ability.
Oni V1/V2: Damage
If u need Damage Buffs not as high as Lunar V2 but an alternative if u Can’t/Don’t need a quest to do right now.
Other Races V1/V2: Not Good Enough
If u need them for special things like Sualong Form with Electro V2, Mink V2 / Shark form with Mastered Shark Karate, and Fishman V2 / Extra Buffs to Cyborg Style V2 with Cyborg.
Race v2 Buffs, Quests
Lunharian V2
- Flame Mode on: Extra 15% Overall Damage
- Faster Lunarian Flight
- 30% Sky Jump Boost
- 15% Extra Defense
- 20% Damage Reduction
- Regeneration Buff
- 25% More Sword Damage
- 25% More Melee Damage
- 15% Overall Buff
- 7.25x Conqueror Damage (PVE)
- 10% Damage to Flame Fruit V1 & Dragon Fist V1
- 20% Damage to Flame Fruit V2 & Dragon Fist V2
- Gives Pterodactyl Fruit Flame Attacks & Burn Damage
- 20% Damage to Pterodactyl
- Kill 350 enemies (Oni Island)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Get 200 Lunar Essence (Lunar Raid)
- Find 5 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 10 Billion Beris
Human V2
- 30% Stats Gained
- 15% exp, coins, mastery gain
- 30% extra drop chance
- 35% damage to all Fighting Styles
- 50% to All Black Leg styles (not compatible with buff to all fighting styles)
- Increases Conqueror Haki damage from x6.1 to x6.7 (PvE only)
- Kill 500 mobs (Sea 3)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Find 150 Human Essence (Raid)
- Find 1 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 7 Billion Beris
Mink V2
- Innate 25% Dodge chance (PvE)
- Innate 5% Dodge chance (PvP)
- 30% Movement Speed
- 50% Increased damage to electric/mink style
- While under 50% HP: Increase movement speed by 30% and dash distance by 25%
- While under 10% HP: Increases dodge chance to 50% for PvE
- While under 10% HP: Increases dodge chance to 10% for PvP
- Kill 500 mobs (Hazard Island)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Find 100 Mink Essence (Raid)
- Find 1 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 10 Billion Beris
Cyborg V2
- Takes only 1.5x damage for water now
- 30% damage reduction (PvE), 5% damage reduction (PvP)
- 50% damage to Cyborg Style (not compatible with buff to all fighting styles)
- While under 35% HP: Receives 60% damage reduction in PvE, 10% in PvP
- Kill 450 mobs (Hazard Island)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Find 175 Cyborg Essence (Raid)
- Find 1 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 10 Billion Beris
Fishman V2
- x7 swim speed
- 100% damage reduction from water
- 50% Damage to Fishman Style
- You receive 15% less damage in PvE, 5% less in PvP (Doubled while under 35% HP)
- Increases all sources of damage by 25% while in water
- Kill 200 mobs (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Find 100 Fish People Essence (Raid)
- Find 1 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 5 Billion Beris
Skypien V2
- +15 Sky Jumps
- Increases Sky Jump distance by 25%
- 70% flight speed
- 50% damage to Dial Style
- +1 Observation charges every 2 seconds instead of 5
- Increases Observation dodges by 10%
- Kill 500 mobs (Sky Island)
- Find the Stone (Fishman Island)
- Find the Stone (Turtle Island)
- Find 150 Sky People Essence (Raid)
- Find 1 Primordial Essence (Raid/SS)
- Pay 5 Billion Beris