GHOUL://RE has had a lot of updates, with new kagune, nerfs, and bosses changing the meta. If you want to dominate CCG, this GHOUL://RE Tier List will help you pick the best kagune. Let’s break it down by rarity and version.
GHOUL://RE Tier List – Best Kagune
Common Kagune (V1)
S Tier
- None – No common kagune are top-tier.
A Tier
Nishio V1 – Quick, good crits, and true combos, but lacks damage.
B Tier
- Beak V1 – Huge buffs make this viable. Stronger than before.
C Tier
Wing V1 – Still terrible, needs a buff.
Rare Kagune (V1)
S Tier
- Takizawa V1 – A staple choice. Great moves and reliable damage.
A Tier
- Yamori V1 – Strong combos but long wind-ups make it risky.
- Nishio V2 – Better than V1, lands solid hits.
B Tier
- Tsukiyama V1 – Still weak with no recent changes.
Legendary Kagune (V1 & V2)
S Tier
- Ken V1 – Still better than V2 despite buffs to V2.
- Yomo – Completely busted and top-tier.
A Tier
- Nishio V2 – Improved over its V1 version.
- Takizawa V2 – Strong but relies on landing shards.
- Beak (with Mastery) – One of the best when fully leveled. Engurgitate spam makes it nearly unkillable.
B Tier
- Noroi V1 – Slow and just okay damage.
- Noroi V2 – Fell off due to recent buffs to other kagune.
- Kakuja – Strong, but rarely seen.
C Tier
- L V2 – Weak, but tanky enough to survive long fights.
D Tier
- K V2 – Barrages are too easy to parry.
If you want the best kagune, go for Ken V1, Yomo, or Beak (with Mastery). For a fun playstyle, Yamori V1 and Nishio V2 are solid picks. Stay away from Wing V1 and K V2 unless they get buffs.
Pick your kagune wisely, and good luck dropping CCG! If this guide helped, share it with your friends!