Finally, Blue Lock Rivals World Class SAE Update has been released, and in this update, Sae is getting reworked into a World Class style. This update has introduced new abilities and a revamp of his Awakening.
Blue Lock Rivals World Class SAE Update Guide & Codes
Sae has been given a brand new set of skills to finally bring him to his deserved World Class level!
Metavision: see players’ skills across the field, providing an easier way to become a playmaker and avoid potentially dangerous defenders.
Arm Swipe: pull back a player and slow them down to very quickly steal the ball.
Finally, an actual perfect pass: Perfect pass is now perfect! The ball is guaranteed to go to whoever you target!
Magical Turn v2: now with a heel flick!
Beautiful Shot: A very strong direct shot!
Divine Destruction: A three-part dribbling ability to get past several defenders with ease
You will never surpass me… has been surpassed in animation quality!
Happy almost St. Patrick’s Day! In celebration, we’ve released a new, very green set of cosmetics for you to buy! A goal effect, two new cosmetics, and a player card!
Bugfix Heaven
Quite a few bugs were fixed this update including some nasty ones, so you should have a more bug-free experience! Maybe. I don’t know how to shake off the Buglock Rivals name.
Infinite Dribbles
Infinite Dribbles will temporarily be disabled as we look into a game breaking bug.
Regarding VFX
You may notice there are VFX missing for some skills this update, or that some things might be missing in these update notes that you were expecting. Unfortunately, we’ve been unable to complete everything to the standard that we want, but we decided to push the update so you can have fun playing with Sae’s new skillset. We’ll be finalizing the update and we’ll release a smaller update soon to bring everything up to speed.