Hello Benders! And welcome to Avatar: Realms Collide. My name is PrincessBell, and I am a Discord Moderator for A: RC. This is a very basic Avatar Realms Collide Beginner Guide & Best Elements guide that can serve as a “how to get started” point in your adventure, and is only Part 1.
A:RC is a mobile SLG, or “city builder” game where you train troops (they are called
benders!), complete research, upgrade heroes, etc.
I would like to express that A:RC is a PVPVE game, meaning you will be fighting other
players, as well as NPC’s.
Before we begin:
There are a number of mechanics I’d like to discuss, the first of which is to explain
as well as “troops” as these are very important to know, especially when choosing your element and heroes to upgrade. You will see these 2 phrases a lot when looking at hero skills. he ou are ed by here: ouch no wit sea gas rop.
So if I send Aang to attack something, this is 1 squad inside of 1 troop.
But if I send Aang, Bumi, and Tenzin this is 3 squads inside of 1 troop.
When organizing a troop you’ll see 3 slots, the middle one is the most important as this will activate Avatar’s “Leader skills” which you will read more about below! gaited tack, Ive also added a screenshot of What the screen looks like when you

In the top left where it says “Organize Troop” there is an “” icon, if you click on this it will show you the buffs you have for the current march, such as attack, defence, hp, gathering speed, etc.
The buffs shown are what the heroes provide. The crown means Aang is this troop’s leader, and his Avatar leader skill passive buffs are applied to the troop.

In the top right you will see a button that says “Preset”, pressing this will allow you to see the current presets you have, and make new ones.
So if I click Preset, then the download icon in the dropdown, then in one of the 3 empty slots, it will save Aang and Tenzin + the amount of troops as a preset that I can use at any time.

To use a preset: Just tap the preset button, then tap on one of the saved ones that come up.
To save over a preset: Tap the download icon, then tap on a used slot, this will overwrite the preset slot.
Avatar Realms Collide Elements Guide
Just like in the rest of the Avatar universe, our game has different Elements you can
choose from, bringing different playstyles to the game.
Picking your element is a very important choice, and I would recommend you pick an
element based on your playstyle.
We’ll start things off by talking about the Water tribe:
As you can see from the screenshot below, Water is a mostly supporting element in our game. And thus is the weakest for PVP. The starting hero for it is Katara.
The water tribe Avatar in the game is Korra.
Her leadership skill is Friendship, and it increases her troops’ attack and base healing.
The other water hero are Yue (she is this element’s gathering-focused hero, which I will an more in depth on throughout this guide)
She specializes in gathering gold, giving 6% additional gold after gathering gold, and increases gold gather speed by 30% at max.
Water is an element based around buffing/debuffing, and healing exhausted benders; their benders have the highest HP, but less DEF and ATK.
Fire Element
Fire is the complete opposite of Water, it is the best PVP element, however this comes at the drawback of needing to spend real money to excel with it. Their starting hero is Prince Zuko. And the base stats it gives can be seen in the screenshot below.
As of writing this, Fire does not have an Avatar yet. However, they do have the advantage of having a VIP hero, Azula.
How do I get the VIP hero? In the top left beside your power level, you will see a VIP icon, ou need to buy the “special bundles” for each VIP level up to 10 to max her out. The bundles cost roughly $250 USD, but you can get to VIP 9 for free quite easily, by using gems obtained through various events and missions.
To simply unlock Azula, but not max her out, is only $1.
The fire-gathering resource-gathering hero is Piandao, and he specializes in Stone. As with Yue, 6% extra resources, and 30% gathering speed for stone.
The other heroes are: Uncle Iroh and Asami Sato.
Fire specializes in dealing with damage, skill damage, buffing/debuffing benders, and rage.
What is rage? Rage are certain skill each hero gets, when the rage bar fills up during battle the heroes rage skill will activate. Below is Iroh’s rage skill, as an example.
Fire is an element based on fighting, with benders that have the highest ATK.
Air Elements
As the title says, Air is the next element we’re going to talk about, and is objectively one of the better options if you don’t plan on spending much. Why is that?
You get 2 fairly strong legendary heroes early on, Aang and Bumi.
Bumi shards are quite plentiful in our game, so if you wish to, you can always save your legendary shards to use on Aang, making them both reasonably powerful.
Air is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades element, that’s good at a little bit of everything, but not particularly amazing at anything.
The air avatar is Aang, his Leader Skill is Glider, and it increases his troops’ marching speed, and HP.
The air gathering resource gathering hero is Meelo, and he specializes in Wood. As with Yue, and Piandao, 6% extra resources, and 30% gathering speed for wood.
The other Heroes are: Borte, Tenzin, and Bumi.
As before, here are the starting buffs given to Air players.
Air Benders have stats that are comparable in all areas instead of focusing on 1.
Earth Elements
As mentioned, Earth is the current “meta” element, that’s overall quite strong and has decent ease of use.
Earth is a bit of a “tankier” element than the rest, their benders having the highest DEF compared to other same-tier benders.
The Earth avatar in the game is Kyoshi, and her Leader Skill “Justice & Punishment” increases all troop’s skill damage.
talkis a teutthe cohering rera bit different than the rest i, and I will explain below when talking about the gathering hero.
The gathering hero for Earth is Kuei, and he increases Food gathering speed, and unlike the rest of the gathering heroes, his skill maxed out provides 24% gather speed instead of 30%. His other skill provides 30% extra capacity, and 8% extra resources instead of 6.
But, that stacks with the Earth effect of + 10% gathering, so if you are using Kuei (or any other gathering hero) you will get an extra 10% gather speed.
So for Yue, Piandao, and Mello, if you are using Earth as your element you’ll get 40% extra gathering speed if they are maxed out. And for Kuei you will get 34% instead of 24.