Just as a note for all of the new players joining – if you’re looking for friends who are already playing or want to join an established group to level faster in the game and get support from experienced players, then you’ll need to switch servers!
The game by default, is likely to add you to a newer server such as Earth-225 or Earth-226. If you’re able to catch it early enough on the front screen and click settings, you might be able to swap servers prior to starting the game.
How to change servers in DC Dark Legion
Alternatively, once you’ve reached the end of the tutorial, follow these steps for How to change servers in DC Dark Legion:
Go to your profile picture in the top left-hand corner
Then go to Settings
Click the ‘Service’ tab at the bottom
Click Account at the top
Click ‘Characters’
Click ‘Create Character’
Select the relevant “Earth” (server) that you wish to join. But ultimately, you should come join ‘Earth-203’ as this is where our league is based!