Welcome to my Attempt at making aWar Robots Frontiers Beginner Guide to help aid newer players on what they need to know at War Robots: Frontiers!
War Robots Frontiers Beginner Guide
The Garage: This, is your garage (Ex. Image #1) where your robots will be located and used for battle. For every robot on it’s hangar space, will be used in battle. I currently have 6 Robots in my Garage. So those 6 robots will be used in battle to chose and take over the battlefield!
Builds: There are two types of builds: Factory builds – where the game has made up multiple builds for you and Custom Builds – Builds where you created your custom setups from are saved from the Workshop.
How to add your robots to the garage: When a preset is Lit up (Ex. Image #2, Factory build), that means that you are able to put it into your garage because it meets all requirements to be added (Ex. Image #3). The same exact thing will apply to Custom Presets (Ex. Image #4, Custom presets). Once ready, click on “Add to Garage” (Ex. Image #5). And your robot will be automatically added to the garage if is a vacant slot. If there are no vacant slots, then you will have to chose which robot to replace it with. (Ex. Image #6).
How to change your titan in the garage: Click on the titan, on the bottom, you should see “Change Robot”. Once clicked, you will be able to change your titan to either: Matriarch, Alpha, or Grim.
Tips for Fowlers
I was talking to Nightwolf in a VC before and he mentioned how fowlers felt weird or just not good in general for a fowler Fenrir build and that’s because you have to consider for Fowlers on the charge rate, the amount of spread and reload timings.
Charge Rates are more the complicated thing to master as each charge gives an amount of spread from the weapon, if just flat clicks on fowler you get a large spread shot which won’t deal a lot of damage to the part you want. You always want to charge them up around half way because it gives enough spread and enough single shot damage to your opponent. When at long range fully charge you shots to get accurate shots on your enemy but also when you are moving around without shooting anyone just hold down the charge button and hold it so you have an accurate shot loaded up
Spread is important as it is dependant on healing and charging your cycle gear, a lot of spread will charge it up faster but single shot makes you heal a little slower but also charges your cycle gear slower as well
Reload timings are crucial for you to win a fight, I always like to fire around 2-3 shots at an enemy and then start reloading and then use my Fenrir ability to sustain most of my damage output at a constant with a fully loaded fowler.
This weapon takes some time to practice but if you learn the charge rates then you can make it worth of the build