Hi Guys, I will share some Capybara Go F2P Guide where you will learn as an F2P how to progress inthe game that to do in starting of the game.
Because you have elected to be F2P the first month of gameplay will be dedicated to simply farming dailies Ticket Raid Dragon AFK Rewards.
Capybara Go F2P Guide
➼ Save 160,920 gems. (Note: you can spend gems whenever the correct rotation is up) Gem~3
➼ Save resources specifically looking to save for high placement in growth events. Dark MoonT ticket Gold (Pet Egg, Spirit Stone, Chest4_Pet, Gold_Horseshoe)
➼ Spend them specifically on Blade Of Justice, Shadow Lance, Angel Bow, Dragon Breath, Judgment, and Bloody Grail rotation.
➼ Accumulatively spending 160,920 gems on this banner will enable you to hit the internal pity timer 9 times. This should guarantee you at least 1 copy of Eq SChest DragonBreath Eq SRing Judgment Eq SNeck BloodyGrail.
➼ DO NOT use your pity chests on the Eq SWeapon BladeOfJustice Eq SWeapon ShadowLance Eq SWeapon AngelBow Eq SChest DragonBreath Eq SRing Judgment Eq SNeck BloodyGrail banner.
➼ Make sure you save them until Eq SWeapon Whisperer Eq SWeapon BishopStaff Eq SChest DragonBreath Eq SRing Shadow Eq SRing Judgment Eq SNeck GloryProof rotation & spend all 3 on Eq SWeapon Whisperer.
➼ You should now have a Legendary Eq SWeapon Whisperer.
➼ Equip the Eq SWeapon Whisperer. Eq SChest DragonBreath or Eq Chest Tunic. Eq Ring Guardian Eq Ring Guardian or Eq Ring Guardian Eq SRing Judgment. Eq SNeck BloodyGrail Eq SNeck BloodyGrail or Eq SNeck BloodyGrail Eq Neck IcyBubble.
➼ Spend 1000 Capygacha coins LuckySilverCoin claiming AdMount Diego & AdMount Sphinx.
➼ Mount AdMount Diego.
Equip Pet2 Unicorn Pet2 SlimeKing Pet1 Elsa. (If you have no Pet1 Elsa. Use Pet2 PurpleDemonFox in cases of good survivability & Pet3 LittleElephant when you need the healing.)
➼ When you hit 107k gems saved. Spend them on Eq SWeapon BladeOfJustice Eq SWeapon ShadowLance Eq SWeapon AngelBow Eq SChest DragonBreath Eq SRing Judgment Eq SNeck BloodyGrail. Spend the 2 pity chests on 2 copies of Eq SChest DragonBreath if you do not already own them through pulls. If owned, get 2 copies of Eq SNeck BloodyGrail.
➼ Upgrade the Eq SChest DragonBreath to Legendary as well as the Eq SNeck BloodyGrail if you got good RNG.
➼ Spend DarkMoonTicketGold on AdMount Laputa.
➼ When you hit hero level Inheritance R1 Scout for the early game weapon critical rate. It’ll be significantly slower than leveling HeroI S1 Bonelet, but you need to retain BookOfCalamity to upgrade Brand NimbleMurloc.
➼ You can now spend gems on wishing specifically looking for:
HeroS KnightOfTheEnd HeroS JudgementReaper (Insignia)
BrandS WildVulture Brand NimbleMurloc Brand SharpRogue BrandS StoneGuardian (Brand)
➼ When you hit 500 LuckySilverCoin claim AdArtifact DemonicEye for the anti-heal utility.
Your gear should now be:
Eq SWeapon Whisperer+2 Eq SChest DragonBreath+2
Eq SRing Judgment+2 Eq Ring Guardian+3 (Spare Eq Ring Guardian to rotate in on chapters where you keep dying.)
Eq SNeck BloodyGrail+2 Eq SNeck BloodyGrail+2
AdMount Diego AdArtifact DemonicEye Inheritance R1 Scout (Applied passives: AdMount Sphinx AdMount Laputa)
HeroS JudgementReaper HeroS KnightOfTheEnd
Brand NimbleMurloc BrandS Wild Vulture BrandS Stone Guardian Brand Sharp Rogue
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