Welcome to our Legend of Slime Purchase Tier List. Higher tiers are higher priority but ask or use discretion if you have different needs. All until D tier are “good” depending on where your account is at. Thanks to @PahaKissa and a few others for helping.
Legend of Slime Purchase Tier List
Grade SSS
No ads (protects your sanity)
1 year and permanent are both good. Permanent is cheaper for 3+ years of playing; otherwise, yearly is cheaper.
Grade SS
Premium Pass
Grade S
- First loot pack
- Second loot pack
- First alchemy pack
- Faction War slime sale
- Crobi
Grade A
- Second alchemy pack
- FW tickets
- Premium Pass+
- Slime Club Membership
- Diamond Club Membership
- Magic Power Pack
- FW Experience Shard + Slime Tear
- Astrology Rush Crystal Orb pack
Grade B
- Extreme/heaven/cocytus etc packs (Crystal Orb, Tear, Diamond)
- Astrology pack (+2 daily Crystal Orbs and 150 Crystal Orbs)
- Mythic Packs (monthly, 200 each type of mythic)
- Slime promo popup packs (Experience Shard + Slime Tear upon promoting or unlocking a new slime)
- Slime promo pack (900 Experience Shard, 150 Tear; limited to 3 purchases)
- Blizzard mythic pack
Grade C
- Magic Item Promotion Package (mythic)
- Magic Item Promotion Package (exotic)
- Limited Toy Package
- Dungeon Pack
- Charge! Dungeon Pack
Grade D
- Diamond (has its own section below)
- Gem (has its own section below)
- Mythic key pack (10 Key Chains + 20k Gems)
- Auto blessing (if you’re lazy)
- Ornate/mysterious packs (essence can be cheaper than 18A event milestone, includes Slime Legion Key, Gems)
Grade E
- Best relic pack/advanced relic pack
- Dwarven King Key / Village Raid Key / Slime Legion Key (35 for $10, if you aren’t able to wait)
- Monthly Newbie Package (cheapest Village Raid Key if impatient)
- Fragment Packs (for new players/impatient – long-term 0 value)
- Dwarf Package (early game + whale only)
- Mine Destruction Package (early game + whale only)
- Trait Package (early game + whale only)
Grade F
- 3 legendary pack
- Skill package
- Best/Advanced Astrology packs
- Best/Advanced Magic Item packs
- Daily/weekly tear, toy, and observation/astrology packs
- Monthly Lord of Hell’s Package
- Elixir in alchemy
- Event “bundle” packs
- Other magic item popups (legendary, mythic III, etc.)
Where to Buy Diamond
- Diamond club and Magic Power Pack are the best
- Then Diamond rush
- $15 pack is best but limited
- $100 pack (28k Diamond – better than all first-time and normal Diamond packs)
- After this, first-time packs in descending order excluding the smallest pack
- Finally, $100 (largest) Diamond pack
How to Spend Diamond
- Save time on reroll glitch
- Get cheap rewards if you see an opportunity
- Talisman boxes, exotic items, and ring essence are the main items to consider here (to some extent Magic Core)
Premium Shop
- EXP Shard (5:1 up to 200 EXP Shard daily)
- Boss Rush Key (most efficient way to buy gems – noted again in Gem section)
- Other keys (as needed if lacking patience)
- Slime Stone can be cheaper than fragment packs but not the best
- Legendary magic box (best Diamond for magic, but magic promo packs at mythic/exotic are a better deal)
- The rest are not worth it
FW tickets
Where to Buy Gem
- Most packs you are getting for other things come with Gem
When buying directly
- Buy Diamond to get Boss Rush Key in a premium shop †
- Dungeon Pack †
- Charge! Dungeon Pack †
- Weekly Bonus Gem Storage
- Monthly Key Chain pack †
- Other Weekly Bonus gems (descending order)
- Get some help (spam Gem Storage without 2x)
How to Spend Gem
Some currencies can make prices weird, if this is the case for you, do your own math or ask.
† Assumes you use Boss Rush Key in events – 10 Boss Rush Key gained a day for profit over using daily.
Best value for Clockwork by a large margin, but Clockwork per ticket varies (I get 180, seen as low as 40, which is still great value) – also needed to win FW, which gives other rewards.
1500 Crystal Orb pack (best value) – Astro gives big multipliers with both stats and stars, but value diminishes as level gets higher (until 400, it remains high tier).
With Crystal Orb rush, this pack is far less useful, but it can be good for low spend and casual players (active low spend will never use the daily 2 because of rush).
Very good early game, solid later as well, but at that point, monthly mythics are much better.
Best Currency Magic Core and still great magic item value (don’t buy for bag mythic; Metal Bag is end of gains for bags) – best way to buy magic IMO.
Worse Currency Magic Core but slightly better for magic items – good to mix in a few if going for Exo III but lean more on mythic ones.
About equal for toys to buying with Diamond but throws in Gem and Clockwork (Clockwork is irrelevant for now mostly).
Bad value overall but has some very situational uses:
a. Dwarven King Key has some gems worth 1/3+ of the cost.
b. Suboptimal for Village Raid Key and Currency Tear on their own but together it’s not that bad. If tears are needed for relics still after buying all other Currency Tear (not sure if this is the case or not for new accounts), it can have a use. Likely it’s just F tier but wanted to be cautious.
Useless/same exact things available more cheaply in unlimited/sufficient amounts – some packs may not be listed which likely fall here but let me know so I can add them.
Heavy Bundle is the only one that is technically cheaper than just buying Diamonds only compared to 25.2k Diamonds for $100 option – proper planning makes this pack useless unless you want throws for endless growth.
If not using USD, check to make sure it’s better than the last pack. It might be weird with other currencies.
Slightly less Gem per $ than Gem Barrel but can be better value if you need Slime Legion Key / Village Raid Key.